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Aspirating Smoke Detection
Aspirating smoke detectors deliver highly accurate standard detection, early warning fire detection, and very early warning fire detection for a variety of applications including mission-critical facilities such as data centres
4 VLP Displays, 4 RTC 7

A range of glass-fronted enclosures to complement the VESDA range of detectors, displays and programmers.
These come as:
- 19" Subrack enclosure
- Detector (or Single Remote Display) enclosure
The 19 inch rack enclosures can house up to 20 display and programmer modules in configurations to suit particular site requirements where centralised control and monitoring of the VESDA system is required.
A two rack (up to eight modules) and five rack (up to 20 modules) version are available.
The 19" subracks are mounted on a swing frame for convenient connection of all the cables. Cable entry for 24VDC power, VESDAnet connection and interfacing to the relays is provided by a removeable gland plate which is drilled on site as required
A single remove display incorporates a small glass window to view an on-board display, enabling a single detector (or remote module) to be installed in challenging environments requiring a high IP rating.
Ordering Information
Product Code
4 VLP Displays, 4 RTC 7
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