New FAAST FLEX Aspirating Smoke Detector
Introducing the new, economical FAAST FLEX aspirating smoke detector featuring silent operation and a wide operating temperature range.
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New FAAST LT Aspirating Detector
The FAAST LT-200 aspirating smoke detector is the latest version of the FAAST LT. The LT-200 features a specially-designed high sensitivity infrared LED detection chamber.
Upgrade to the Latest Version of PipeIQ for Reliable Flow Calculations
Introduced in 2014, the European-made FAAST LT aspirating smoke detectors have been successful in a variety of projects over the past five years.
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FAAST X Series to be Discontinued
The Honeywell Corporation purchased Xtralis in 2016. Honeywell manufactures System Sensor detectors and FAAST aspirating detection products, while Xtralis manufacturers Vesda and OSID detectors. As a consequence of this acquisition...
New Dual-Vision Aspirating Detectors
The new FAAST XT and FAAST XS aspirating detectors expand the range of applications that are able to benefit from FAAST Advanced Dual-Vision sensing technology.